Storage & Warehouse Maintenance

Once the produce reaches a location where it needs to be stored for a period longer than the total transit time from the farm; it needs to be given additional support & greater environmental stability when compared to the routine consumption life cycle.

During this storage period there may be fluctuations in the factors that may affect the life of the produce in a large way. The most important factor during long term storage may be pest management and conditions that facilitate reducing pest infestations without increasing the Maximum Residue Limit i.e the highest level of a pesticide residue that is legally tolerated in or on food or feed when pesticides are applied correctly in accordance with Good Agricultural Practice.

Our technology combines the use of organic compounds that are in accordance with Good Agricultural Practices and support the extension of the life of produce without affecting the MRL’s.

The continuous analytics data allows to stabilize the produce overall environment which along with use of synergistic combinations maximize the clean produce output after long term storage.